Staff made available to the Grouping by the member establishments remain governed, as appropriate, by their contract of employment, the collective agreements applicable to them or their status.
Associate practitioners and associate assistants from public health establishments that are members of the grouping may carry out their duties within the health cooperation grouping under the conditions defined by the texts that govern them.
Decree no. 91-155 of 6 February 1991 , as amended, relating to the general provisions applicable to contractual employees of the establishments mentioned inarticle 2 of law no. 86-33 of 9 January 1986 , as amended, laying down statutory provisions relating to the hospital civil service, is applicable to persons other than those mentioned in the last paragraph of this article recruited by the Groupement de Coopération Sanitaire constituted as a legal entity under public law.
The recruitment of doctors, pharmacists and odontologists by a health cooperation grouping constituted as a legal entity under public law is carried out in accordance with the provisions of articles R. 6152-401 to R. 6152-537 and R. 6152-601 to R. 6152-629. For the application of these provisions, the powers devolved to the directors of public health establishments are assumed by the grouping’s administrator. The constitutive agreement determines the conditions under which these same provisions apply within the grouping, the implementation of which requires the existence of an advisory body or an internal structure specific to health care institutions.