The temporary employment agencies mentioned in article L. 1251-1 of the Labour Code which employ medical, odontological and pharmaceutical staff for temporary work assignments in public health institutions draw up the secondment contract mentioned in article L. 1251-42 of the same code. At the latest when the secondment contract is signed, they must send the public health institution the following information:
1° A certificate stating that the verification obligations mentioned in the first paragraph of article L. 6146-3 have been fulfilled, accompanied, where applicable, by proof of any specific qualifications and experience that correspond to the job profile drawn up by the public health institution in which the qualifications and skills sought are described ;
2° A certificate stating that the employee meets the physical and mental fitness requirements for the position;
3° A statement that the employee has, in the period immediately preceding the secondment to the public health institution and in respect of the tasks entrusted to him or her, benefited from sufficient rest to ensure his or her protection and health, that of the other employees of the institution and the safety and quality of care;
4° A sworn statement to the effect that the practitioner certifies that working as a temporary practitioner does not contravene the provisions of article 25 septies of law no. 83-634 of 13 July 1983 applicable to the staff mentioned in 1° to 4° of article L. 6152-1 ;
5° A sworn statement to the effect that the practitioner certifies that, during the period immediately prior to being made available to the public health establishment, he or she has benefited from sufficient rest to ensure his or her own protection and health, that of the establishment’s other employees and the safety and quality of care.