Attached practitioners are recruited for a contract of a maximum duration of one year, renewable up to a total duration of twenty-four months. When, at the end of each contract, the employment relationship is not continued, the attached practitioner is entitled, by way of additional remuneration, to an allowance intended to compensate for the precariousness of his situation. The amount and conditions of payment of the allowance are set by order of the ministers responsible for the budget and health.
In the event of non-renewal of the contract by either party to the contract, the notice period is fifteen days for contracts of less than six months and two months for contracts of up to one year.
For contracts with a cumulative duration of less than twenty-four months, any change in the number of half-days, the place or the structures of assignment provided for in the contract shall be made by means of an amendment to the initial contract, concluded in the same form as the latter and with the agreement of the person concerned. This amendment specifies the duration and nature of the changes made to the initial contract.
At the end of this twenty-four month period, the contract is renewed by a three-year contract, automatically renewable by express decision. At the end of the three-year contract, renewal is by means of an open-ended contract.
When the situation of the activity in the structure justifies it, a modification of the work quota, of the structure or of the place of assignment may be proposed by the director of the establishment, after the opinion of the president of the establishment’s medical commission or, as the case may be, of the establishment’s local medical commission, to an attached practitioner or associated attached practitioner who benefits from a three-year contract or a contract of indefinite duration. The person concerned has one month from the date of the proposed change to refuse it. In the event of refusal, the Director will offer the practitioner a new assignment as a matter of priority. Failing this, the provisions of the second paragraph of article R. 6152-629 will be applied.