The establishment which pays the practitioner is subrogated to the rights of the person concerned to social security cash benefits, under the conditions set out in articles R. 323-11 and R. 433-12 of the Social Security Code.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Health facilities and services | Book I: Health establishments | Title V: Medical and pharmaceutical staff | Chapter II: Hospital practitioners | Section 8: Common provisions | Subsection 4: Provisions relating to leave for health or family reasons | Article R6152-822 of the French Public Health Code
The establishment which pays the practitioner is subrogated to the rights of the person concerned to social security cash benefits, under the conditions set out in articles R. 323-11 and R. 433-12 of the Social Security Code.
L’établissement qui assure la rémunération du praticien est subrogé dans les droits de l’intéressé aux prestations en espèces de la sécurité sociale, dans les conditions prévues aux articles R. 323-11 et R. 433-12 du code de la sécurité sociale.
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