The junior doctor receives, after service rendered:
1° Fixed monthly emoluments, variable according to advancement in the curriculum, the amount of which is set by joint order of the ministers responsible for health, the budget and the civil service. These emoluments follow the trend in civil service salaries recorded by the Minister for Health and seniority is calculated on the basis of the number of validated training periods, excluding time spent on leave and training periods during which the actual activity lasts less than four months due to leave of absence.
For students with families, the flat-rate monthly emoluments are increased by a supplement, the amount of which is calculated in accordance with the rules laid down inarticle 10 of decree no. 85-1148 of 24 October 1985 as amended relating to the remuneration of civil and military personnel of the State, personnel of local authorities and personnel of public hospital establishments for the family salary supplement;
2° Bonuses, allowances and reimbursement of expenses, the list and purpose of which are set by decree.