Interns are entitled to maternity leave, birth leave, leave for the arrival of a child placed with a view to adoption, adoption leave or paternity and childcare leave for the periods and in accordance with the procedures laid down in article R. 6152-819. During this leave, the remuneration referred to in article R. 6153-10 and in 1° and 3° of article D. 6153-10-1 is maintained.
Interns may be granted unpaid parental leave for a maximum of three hundred and ten days over a period of thirty-six months and unpaid full-time parental education leave for three years for a child up to the age of three or for one year for a child aged between three and sixteen.
Family solidarity leave is granted under the conditions set out in articles L. 3142-6 to L. 3142-15 of the French Labour Code and the regulatory provisions adopted for their application to an employee whose ascendant, descendant, brother, sister or a person sharing the same home is suffering from a life-threatening illness or is in the advanced or terminal stages of a serious and incurable illness, whatever the cause. The duration of this leave is treated as a period of active service. It cannot be deducted from annual leave.