An intern suffering from a condition on the list mentioned in article 28 of decree no. 86-442 of 14 March 1986 relating to the appointment of approved doctors, the organisation of medical committees and reform boards, the physical fitness requirements for admission to public employment and the sick leave scheme for civil servants, with the exception of the conditions mentioned in article R. 6153-15 and which require costly and prolonged treatment or care, is entitled to long-term sick leave for a maximum period of thirty-six months during which he/she is guaranteed, during the first twelve months, the payment of two thirds of the remuneration mentioned in article R. 6153-10 and in 1° and 3° of article D. 6153-10-1 and, during the following twenty-four months, the payment of half of this remuneration. A resident who has been granted long-term sick leave may only be granted further leave of the same nature if he has returned to work for at least one year.