Members of the Board other than the Chairman have an alternate who is appointed under the same conditions as the full member.
The full and alternate members of the Board are appointed for a renewable term of three years, with the exception of students in the third cycle of medical, odontology and pharmacy studies, who are appointed for a renewable term of one year.
Vacancies occurring during the term of office are filled within two months. New members are appointed until the Board is renewed.
The following persons may not sit on the Discipline Council for a given case and are replaced by their alternate:
1° The spouse of the student concerned, a person with whom the student is bound by a civil solidarity pact or a person who is related to the student by blood or marriage up to and including the fourth degree;
2° The person who initiated the disciplinary proceedings;
3° the student who is the subject of the case and, more generally, the persons who have a direct interest in it.