I. – After their appointment, interns, regardless of their assignment, come under the authority of the university hospital centre to which they are attached for all acts of management relating to their hospital duties, in particular discipline, leave of absence and payment of the remuneration mentioned in articles R. 6153-10 and D. 6153-10-1 with the exception of 2° of article D. 6153-10-1 and the related social security charges.
However, when the intern is assigned to another health establishment, an establishment of the armed forces health service, to an approved university training supervisor practitioner, an organisation or laboratory, a health centre or an approved care structure alternative to hospitalisation that is different from the university hospital centre that paid the remuneration, the reimbursement to the latter of the sums thus paid and the related charges is subject to an agreement, the terms of which are specified by order of the ministers responsible for the budget, higher education, health, social security and, where applicable, defence.
If the intern is assigned to a health establishment, the agreement may stipulate that the latter pays the intern the remuneration mentioned in articles R. 6153-10 and D. 6153-10-1 directly.
II – Training periods completed by an army hospital intern or assistant outside an army hospital or another element of the army health service give rise to the reimbursement to the defence budget of sums equal to the amount of the remuneration elements mentioned in articles R. 6153-10 and D. 6153-10-1 and the related social charges.
These reimbursements are the subject of the agreement provided for in I.