The national statutory commission, chaired by the head of the Inspectorate General of Social Affairs or his representative, a member of the Inspectorate General with the rank of Inspector General, comprises the following equal numbers:
1° Six full members and six alternate members representing the administration, including :
a) One full member and one alternate member appointed on a proposal from the Director General of Healthcare;
b) For the medical sections, two medical public health inspectors and one pharmacist public health inspector and the same number of alternates and, for the pharmacy section, one medical public health inspector and two pharmacist public health inspectors and the same number of alternates;
c) One full member and one alternate member, members of the Inspectorate General of Social Affairs, appointed on the proposal of the Head of the Inspectorate General of Social Affairs;
d) One full member and one alternate member, who are members of a hospital civil service management body or a public health institution supervisory board, appointed on the recommendation of the most representative organisation of the institutions mentioned inarticle 2 of law no. 86-33 of 9th January 1986 on statutory provisions relating to the hospital civil service;
For the appointment of representatives of the administration, the commission is intended to ensure balanced representation of the distribution between women and men.
2° Six members, elected by college, for each section, by proportional list ballot with the remainders being distributed on the basis of the highest average.
The national statutory commission comprises two colleges:
a) The college of hospital practitioners;
b) The college of tenured teaching and hospital staff.
When the commission is called upon to rule on the situation of hospital practitioners, it includes, in addition to the members mentioned in 1°, the college of hospital practitioners.
When it is called upon to rule on the situation of hospital practitioners practising in university hospital centres, the commission also includes representatives of permanent teaching and hospital staff.
Each college mentioned in a and b elects six full representatives and six alternate representatives for each of the following sections:
medicine and medical specialities;
-surgery, surgical specialities and odontology;
-anesthesia and intensive care;
The term of office of members is four years. When the members of a section are renewed during the course of an electoral cycle, the staff representatives are elected for the term remaining before the general renewal.
The term of office may exceptionally be reduced or extended, for a reason of general interest, by order of the Director General of the Centre national de gestion. This reduction or extension may not exceed one year.
When the National Statutory Commission is renewed, the new members take office on the date on which the term of office of the members they succeed ends, pursuant to the preceding provisions.