When the Board, or where applicable a specialised commission, decides by written consultation, pursuant to the second paragraph of II of Article L. 621-3, the Chairman shall collect the votes of the members and the observations of the Director General of the Treasury within a time limit that he shall set. This period may not be less than one day. If a member submits a written request within this time limit, the matter is discussed at the next meeting of the committee concerned. In order for the results of the consultation to be taken into account, at least half of the votes cast by the members of the panel concerned must be received within the time limit set by the Chairman. The Chairman informs the members of the panel concerned and the Director General of the Treasury of the decision taken as soon as possible.
Decisions taken by written consultation are deemed to have been taken at the end of the period referred to in the first paragraph. They are appended to the minutes of the next meeting of the panel concerned. The names of the members who voted and those of the members who did not take part in the consultation, as well as the members who abstained from deliberating on the grounds that they consider themselves to be in a conflict of interest situation pursuant to Article 12 of the aforementioned Act of 20 January 2017, shall be mentioned in the minutes. A member who has not taken part in the deliberation pursuant to this article shall not be taken into account for the purposes of the quorum under the conditions laid down in Articles 1 and 4 of the aforementioned Decree of 31 January 2014. When, in application of Article L. 621-4, a member has not taken part in the deliberation, he is deemed to have taken part in the vote for the purposes of the vote count mentioned in the first paragraph.