I.-Medical biologists who do not meet any of the conditions mentioned in article R. 6213-11 may only carry out the following procedures with a view to medical biology examinations, if they also prove that they hold the corresponding certificate(s) of competence:
1° Venous or capillary blood sampling from the earlobe, fingertips, elbow, back of the hand and malleolar region;
2° Samples taken from easily accessible integuments, dander and mucous membranes for the sole purpose of microbiological or parasitic examinations;
3° Bladder catheterisation in women;
4° Gastric or duodenal sampling without radiological control.
II – The certificates of competence referred to in the first paragraph of I are issued after a period of training in a department of a public health establishment, an army hospital or a private health establishment of public interest, a centre for information, screening and diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections, a blood transfusion establishment, the army blood transfusion centre or a medical biology laboratory, under the conditions laid down by an order of the Minister for Health and the Minister for Defence.