I.-The French Accreditation Committee shall make the information form and the self-assessment questionnaire available on its website. No later than sixteen weeks before its planned opening date, the medical biology laboratory shall send the French Accreditation Committee, by electronic means or by post with acknowledgement of receipt, its application for accreditation together with a complete file containing the information form, the self-assessment questionnaire, the quality manual and the main procedures of the medical biology laboratory.
This application for accreditation is equivalent to an application for the provisional certificate referred to in II of Article L. 6221-2.
II.-1° Within one week of the date of receipt of the application, the French Accreditation Committee shall send the laboratory, by any means giving a date certain, a certificate of receipt of the complete application or, failing that, a list of the missing or incomplete documents.
If the Committee remains silent after this one-week period, the application is deemed to have been rejected;
2° If the Committee sends a list of missing or incomplete documents, the laboratory has one week from receipt of this to complete its application;
3° Within two weeks of receipt of the complete application, the Committee shall send the laboratory, with acknowledgement of receipt, the document describing the scope of its application for accreditation.
If the Committee remains silent after this two-week period, the application is deemed to have been rejected;
4° The laboratory shall return to the Committee, by any means that confers a date certain, within one week of receipt, the document referred to in 3°, bearing its signature. It shall send a copy of this document, together with a copy of the laboratory’s application for accreditation, to the Regional Health Agency no later than eight weeks before its planned opening date.
III.-1° The French Accreditation Committee shall set the date for the preliminary visit to the laboratory within two weeks of receiving the signed document referred to in 4° of II;
2° The preliminary visit shall take place between six and four weeks before the planned opening date of the laboratory. This visit verifies that the organisation of the laboratory, its technical procedures, its logistical resources and the skills of the staff who will be present when the laboratory opens are appropriate and comply with the accreditation requirements;
3° In the event of deviations from the accreditation requirements identified during the preliminary visit, the committee shall notify the laboratory of these deviations without delay and, as far as possible, before the end of the visit. Within eight weeks of this notification, the laboratory shall send the Committee, by any means that provides a date certain, the action plans in response to the deviations thus identified and, for deviations that have an impact on the quality of examination results, evidence that they are under control;
4° Within a maximum of three weeks following the preliminary visit or, in the case mentioned in 3°, within three weeks of sending the action plans and proof of control, the Committee shall notify the laboratory of its response to the request for provisional certification mentioned in II of Article L. 6221-2. If the Committee remains silent at the end of this three-week period, this application is deemed to have been rejected.