When the jurisdiction of the official receiver is challenged or when the official receiver raises his lack of jurisdiction of his own motion, or in the presence of a serious challenge, the court clerk shall summon the debtor, the creditor, the judicial representative and the administrator, where one has been appointed, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The summons to the creditor reproduces the provisions of the second paragraph of article L. 624-1 and the third paragraph of article R. 624-3.
These provisions apply when the juge-commissaire is called upon to rule on a disputed claim. However, there is no need to summon the creditor where the creditor has not contested the mandataire judiciaire’s proposal within the period provided for in Article L. 622-27.
Decisions ruling on jurisdiction, on the existence of a serious dispute or on the contestation of a claim are notified to the debtor and the creditor or his representative by the court clerk, within eight days.
These notifications specify the amount for which the claim is admitted as well as the securities and privileges attached to it and reproduce the provisions of articles L. 622-27 and L. 624-3.
The court-appointed agent and the administrator, where one has been appointed, are notified against receipt of the decisions made.