The contributions mentioned in 1° of II of article L. 6241-2 collected from employers who have not designated the establishments to which the balance of the apprenticeship tax is to be paid are allocated by the Caisse des dépôts et consignations to authorised establishments determined according to the following criteria:
1° A first part of the funds is distributed according to the geographical location of the employers and establishments appearing on the lists provided for in articles R. 6241-21 and R. 6241-22 of the Labour Code. Establishments in the same region receive an identical amount of the balance of the apprenticeship tax;
2° A second part of the funds is distributed at national level according to the nature of the training courses, for the benefit of training courses leading to occupations which have the greatest recruitment needs in their region due to a lack of trained people. An identical amount is allocated to establishments for each course concerned.
An order of the ministers responsible for national education, vocational training and higher education sets the distribution of the funds between the two parts mentioned in 1° and 2°, which may not be less than 20% each. It specifies the selection procedures for the courses mentioned in 2°.