Where, pursuant to III of Article L. 631-19 the administrator or the debtor provides for redundancies for economic reasons in his draft plan, he shall attach the following documents to the report filed with the court registry or produce them at the hearing:
1° The minutes of the deliberations of the social and economic committee consulted pursuant to Article L. 1233-58 of the Labour Code;
2° A copy of the letter informing the administrative authority, in application of article L. 321-8 of the Labour Code, of the proposed redundancies.
The judgement adopting the plan indicates the number of employees whose redundancy is authorised as well as the activities and professional categories concerned.
The judgement adopting the plan indicates the number of employees whose redundancy is authorised as well as the activities and professional categories concerned.
The judgement adopting the plan indicates the number of employees whose redundancy is authorised as well as the activities and professional categories concerned.