I. – A quorum is reached when at least half of the members making up the High Council are present, including members taking part in the debates by means of a telephone or audiovisual conference.
If the quorum is not reached, the High Council shall deliberate validly without a quorum being required following a new notice of meeting on the same agenda and specifying that no quorum will be required.
II. – Decisions of the Haut Conseil de stabilité financière relating to the publication of opinions and recommendations are adopted by a majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
Decisions of the Financial Stability Board relating to 4°, 4° bis, 4° ter and 5° of Article L. 631-2-1 are adopted if at least four members vote in favour. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.