In the event of an exceptional health situation, the medico-psychological unit set up within the reference health establishment which is the head office of the regional emergency medical service (SAMU) referred to in article R. 3131-7, known as the “zonal medico-psychological emergency unit”, is responsible for coordinating the mobilisation of the medico-psychological emergency units in the defence zone.
In conjunction with the other regional medico-psychological emergency units, it provides :
1° Technical support for the regional health agency in the zone defined in article L. 1435-2 in drawing up the medico-psychological section of the zonal mobilisation plan mentioned in article L. 3131-11 ;
2° Coordinating the mobilisation of the medical-psychological emergency units set up within the defence and security zone.
The regional health agency for the zone includes the objectives and resources associated with these missions in the multiannual contract of objectives and resources referred to in article L. 6114-1 and signed with the reference health establishment, the headquarters of the emergency medical service (SAMU) for the zone referred to in article R. 3131-7.