When drawing up the on-call roster, the most representative departmental emergency medical transport association mentioned in article R. 6312-20 will call on all the approved medical transport companies in the department and propose a distribution of on-call duties between the volunteer companies, taking into account their material and human resources.
A medical transport company whose registered office is located in a sector not covered by an on-call service may be asked to take part in the on-call service in the nearest sector where an on-call service is organised.
If the table proposed does not cover all of the on-call sectors or time slots where on-call duty is required by the specifications mentioned in article R. 6312-19, the regional health agency may require the participation of any approved medical transport company in the on-call sector concerned, depending on its material and human resources.
Notwithstanding the provisions of 2° of article R. 6312-6, companies may, in order to provide on-call services, set up an economic interest group in order to pool their resources.
This group, whose activity is limited to urgent medical transport during on-call periods, applies for approval under the conditions provided for in article L. 6312-2 of this code.