Ambulance coordination is provided on a continuous basis in each department. A professional is assigned, at least during the day, to ambulance coordination missions by the most representative departmental association of emergency medical transport mentioned in article R. 6312-20 or by the health establishment where the emergency medical aid service is based.
In departments or during periods when the activity of urgent medical transport at the request of the emergency medical aid service is too low to justify the presence of a coordinator, ambulance coordination tasks are carried out either by the ambulance coordinator of another department on the basis of an agreement between the most representative departmental emergency medical transport associations, or directly by the territorially competent emergency medical aid service.
The co-ordinator is responsible for requesting medical transport companies to respond to requests for urgent medical transport from the urgent medical aid service and, if necessary, ascertaining their unavailability.
In the sectors and at the times covered by an on-call service, the ambulance co-ordinator may only call upon a medical transport company not registered on the on-call roster if the company on duty is unable to do so.
Under the authority of the emergency medical assistance service, the ambulance coordinator monitors and exhaustively records the activity of medical transport companies in response to requests for assistance from the emergency medical assistance service, including ambulance unavailability and shortages. This monitoring can be done electronically.
After discussions with each of the companies and with the most representative association for urgent medical transport, it communicates these data by means of an activity table to the primary health insurance fund responsible for paying the remuneration to the medical transport companies, to the regional health agency, to the medical transport companies and to the fire and rescue services.