The liquidator points out, in a report sent to the juge-commissaire and the procureur de la République and filed with the court registry, the non-performance of the plan by the assignee.
For the application of the second paragraph of article L. 642-11, the assignee is summoned by the court clerk by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to be heard by the court.
The other persons called to the hearing are summoned in accordance with the procedures set out in article R. 626-17.
The court shall rule on the termination of the disposal plan under the conditions of the first two paragraphs of article L. 642-5.
The court clerk shall notify the persons mentioned in article R. 621-7 and is subject to the publicity measures provided for in article R. 621-8.
It is served at the registrar’s behest within eight days of the date of its pronouncement to the persons, other than the public prosecutor, who are entitled to lodge an appeal.