When the costs of actions to validate prior learning are covered by the employer or by one or more of the bodies mentioned in article L. 6316-1, in the absence of mobilisation of the personal training account, an agreement is concluded between:
1° The candidate for validation of prior learning;
2° The funder(s) of the actions enabling validation of prior learning;
3° The body or each of the bodies involved in the procedure for validation of the candidate’s prior learning.
This agreement specifies, in addition to the content provided for by the regulatory provisions adopted in application of article L. 6353-1, the targeted certification as well as the nature and conditions of reimbursement of the costs mentioned in article R. 6422-9. Its signature is conditional upon the candidate producing any document attesting to the admissibility of his/her application for validation of prior learning.
II -When a candidate for validation of prior learning mobilises his/her personal training account in order to finance the actions required to have his/her prior learning validated, acceptance of the general conditions of use of the electronic service referred to in article L. 6323-9 takes the place of an agreement.
III -When a person undertakes, on an individual basis and at their own expense, actions with a view to having their acquired experience validated, an agreement is concluded between them and the organisations involved in this procedure. This agreement complies with articles L. 6353-3 to L. 6353-7.