A notice of the closure judgment is sent for insertion in the Bulletin officiel des annonces civiles et commerciales. This insertion shall contain an indication of the name of the debtor, his business address, his unique identification number and, if applicable, the name of the registry or the regional chamber of trades and crafts to which he is subject, the activity carried on and the date of the judgment and the court that handed it down.
The same notice shall be published in a medium of legal announcements of the place where the debtor has his business address.
The notice shall be published in a medium of legal announcements of the place where the debtor has his business address.
The same notice is published in a legal gazette of the place where the debtor has his business address.
The clerk of the court shall automatically carry out these publications within fifteen days of the date of the judgment.
However, in the event of an appeal by the public prosecutor pursuant to the last paragraph of Article R. 661-1 or in the event of a stay of provisional enforcement ordered pursuant to the fourth paragraph of article R. 661-1, these notices are only published by the court registrar in the light of the judgment of the court of appeal, which is sent to him by the registrar of this court within eight days of its delivery.
A notice is also sent to the court registrar for insertion in the notice.
A notice is also sent for insertion in the registers provided for in the first four paragraphs of article R. 621-8 .