An appeal against judgments rendered pursuant to articles L. 661-1, L. 661-6 , Chapters I and III of Title V, Section II of Chapter II and Chapter IV of Title IX of Book VI of the Legislative Part of this Code, shall be brought, investigated and judged in accordance with the procedure with compulsory representation provided for in the Articles 901 to 925 of the Code of Civil Procedure, subject to the following provisions:
1° Legal representatives who are not appellants must be respondents.
In all cases, the public prosecutor shall be notified of the date of the hearing;
2° Appeals against judgments adopting or rejecting the transfer plan shall be subject to the fixed day procedure;
3°In cases other than those mentioned in 2° above and unless the fixed day procedure is used, the case shall be heard in accordance with the provisions of Article 905 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The president of the chamber may, however, decide that the case will be heard under the supervision of a magistrate of the chamber under the conditions provided for by articles 907 to 916 of the same code;
4° Where they are not parties to the appeal proceedings, the representatives of the staff delegation of the social and economic committee and, where applicable, the employees’ representative as well as, where applicable, the assignee, the co-contractor mentioned in article L. 642-7, the security holders mentioned in article L. 642-12 or the beneficiary of the management lease are summoned to be heard by the court. The summons is made by simple letter from the court clerk;
5° No intervention is admissible in the ten days preceding the date of the hearing;
6° The Court of Appeal rules on the merits within four months of the pronouncement of the judgments mentioned in Article L. 661-6.