The public establishments in the network of chambers of commerce and industry adopt internal regulations relating to their organisation and operation, which set out, among other provisions:
1° The operating conditions of their various bodies, in particular the general meeting, the executive committee, the bureau, the delegations and the commissions, the frequency of their meetings, relations with associate members and technical advisors and the administrative organisation of the services;
2° The age limit for election to the bureau, which may not exceed the age of seventy years on the date of the last day of voting for the election of the chamber ;
3° The conditions under which the chairman and treasurer may delegate their signature to other elected members and, where applicable, to the general manager or, on his proposal, to other members of the chamber’s staff;
4° The conditions under which elected members, the general manager or, on his proposal, other members of the establishment’s staff are authorised to represent the chairman;
5° The list, terms and amounts of allowances and reimbursements of staff expenses.
The provisions provided for in 2° above may not be amended in the year of a renewal.
The internal regulations may provide for the adoption of certain deliberations by qualified majorities subject to the provisions of this code specifying the majority conditions required for certain matters.
They may neither limit the number of terms of office that a member may hold nor make the election of a member to the bureau subject to a previous term of office.
The internal regulations of the territorial chambers of commerce and industry and the regional chambers of commerce and industry are drawn up in accordance with the intervention standard adopted by CCI France, within a maximum period of six months after the approval of this standard by the supervisory authority. Any change to this standard is taken into account under the same conditions.
The internal regulations are adopted by the general meeting of each public network establishment under the conditions provided for in article R. 711-71.
The territorial or regional chambers of commerce and industry whose merger is planned shall adopt, no later than at their last meeting, provisional rules of procedure which must enable the new chamber resulting from this merger to operate until new rules of procedure are adopted. In this case, the provisions set out in 2° may be amended in the year of the general renewal.
Failing agreement between the chambers, the provisional rules of procedure are set by the supervisory authority.