The qualification referred to in article L. 7122-5 is sent by the live performance promoter to the regional prefect for the planned location of the establishment, using the teleservice referred to in article R. 7122-2. The regional prefect assesses the equivalence of the qualification provided with regard to the conditions of competence or professional experience mentioned in I of article L. 7122-4 and the content of the declaration provided for in 2° of article L. 7122-3.
Where it recognises the qualification as having equivalent effect, the regional prefect will issue a declaration receipt for the category corresponding to the qualification within one month of submission of the qualification.
If this is not the case, the regional prefect will inform the interested party by any means of his refusal to recognise the equivalence of the qualification by means of a reasoned decision within the same period.
If the administration remains silent for one month from the date of submission of the application, this will be deemed to constitute recognition of equivalence.