To set the maximum time off work to which elected representatives who have the status of employees are entitled pursuant to article L. 7125-3, the legal working time for a calendar year is assessed on the basis of the legal weekly working time set by article L. 3121-27 of the Labour Code, deducting five weeks’ paid holiday as well as public holidays.
However, when there is a derogation from this duration either by decrees in the Council of Ministers, or by collective agreement under the conditions provided for in Article L. 3121-68 of the French Labour Code, or in the event of an equivalence scheme introduced under the conditions provided for in Articles L. 3121-13 and L. 3121-15 of the same code, account shall be taken of the working hours as they result from these derogations.
The weekly working time taken into account for employees governed by a temporary employment contract is that fixed in this contract pursuant to 4° of Article L. 1251-43 of the Labour Code.