Each year, within one month of the installation of the newly elected judges, the President of the Commercial Court shall, by order made after consulting the General Meeting, determine the allocation to the chambers and departments of the court of the chamber presidents and judges making up the court. This order specifies the number, date and nature of hearings. It may be amended in the same manner if one or more of the judges making up the court ceases to hold office.
A judge may be assigned to several chambers.
If the president of a chamber or one or more of the judges making up a chamber of a commercial court is prevented from attending, the chamber may, subject to the provisions of Articles L. 722-2 and L. 722-3, be completed by one or more of the chamber presidents or judges assigned to the other chambers of the court. If the president of the chamber is unable to attend, the chamber is presided over by the first judge in the order of the judges on the panel.