The declaration of interests of commercial court judges referred to in I of article L. 722-21 includes the following information:
1° Identification of the declarant:
a) The surname, first name and date of birth of the declarant;
b) The postal address, e-mail address and telephone contact details of the declarant;
c) The duties in respect of which the declarant is making the declaration and the date on which these duties were taken up;
2° The professional activities giving rise to remuneration or gratuity carried out on the date on which the duties were taken up and over the previous five years:
a) Identification of the employer;
b) Description of the professional activity carried out;
c) Period during which the professional activity was carried out;
3° Consultancy activities carried out on the date of taking up the post and during the previous five years:
a) Identification of the employer;
b) Description of the professional activity carried out;
c) Period during which the professional activity was carried out;
4° Membership of the governing bodies of a public or private body or company on the date of taking up the post and during the previous five years:
a) The name of the body or company;
b) A description of the activity carried out within the governing bodies;
c) The period during which the declarant has participated in governing bodies;
5° The name of the company in which the declarant holds direct financial interests in the capital on the date he takes up his duties;
6° The professional activities carried out on the date he takes up his duties by the spouse, partner linked by a civil solidarity pact or cohabiting partner:
a) Identification of the employer;
b) Description of the professional activity carried out;
7° Voluntary duties likely to give rise to a conflict of interest carried out on the date of taking up office by the declarant:
a) The name and corporate purpose of the structure or legal entity in which the duties are exercised;
b) A description of the activities and responsibilities exercised;
8° Elective duties and mandates exercised on the date the declarant took up the duties:
a) The nature of the offices and mandates held;
b) The start and end dates of the office or mandate;
The additional declaration provided for in the sixth paragraph of Article L. 722-21 shall indicate the nature and date of the event that led to the substantial change in interests.