When it is necessary to elect the president of the commercial court, the general meeting of the court shall be convened under the conditions and within the time limits provided for in the second paragraph of Article R. 722-1. Except in the case provided for in the first paragraph of Article L. 722-12, the election must take place between 20 October and 10 November preceding the end of the term of office of the current President.
The order convening the general meeting specifies that nominations for the office of chairman must be filed with the court registry eight days before the date of the general meeting. On expiry of this deadline, the chairman closes the list of candidates and immediately has the list posted at the court registry.
As an exception to the provisions of article R. 722-2, the bureau of the general meeting at which the president of the court is elected is chaired by the oldest judge in the absence of the outgoing president and is made up of the first two judges in the order of the table of chamber presidents present at the general meeting or, if there are no chamber presidents, the two most senior judges present at the general meeting.