I.-An extract from the electoral list drawn up by the Employment Platforms Labour Relations Authority may be consulted on the website dedicated to voting operations. This extract, which gives the surnames, first names and SIREN numbers of the voters, may also be consulted on the premises of the Autorité des relations sociales des plateformes d’emploi.
II.-An order of the Minister responsible for labour shall determine:
1° The date from which the extract from the electoral list may be consulted;
2° The procedures for this consultation, and in particular the information enabling it to be carried out.
III -The services of the Employment Platforms Labour Relations Authority will send each voter, no later than three days before the date mentioned in 1° of II of this article, a document informing them of their registration on this list, specifying the categories of personal data that appear on it and informing them of the dates of the ballot as well as the procedures for taking part in it.