The challenge is made by petition delivered or addressed to the clerk of the court by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. It shall contain the information prescribed by articles 54 and 57 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
On pain of nullity, the application must be accompanied either by a copy of the decision of the Director General of the Autorité des relations sociales des plateformes d’emploi, or, in the event of an implicit rejection decision, by the appeal provided for in article R. 7343-12 and the receipt. Where the dispute concerns the situation of a person other than the applicant, the request shall mention, on pain of nullity, the surname and first names of the person concerned and his or her SIREN number.
The director general of the Autorité des relations sociales des plateformes d’emploi, informed by any means by the court registry of this challenge, will immediately send the court the address of the person concerned if that person is not the applicant. In accordance with the same procedures, in the event of an implicit decision to reject, it will transmit, at the request of the court, any useful information enabling the merits of the challenge to be assessed.