For the application of article R. 523-14 to the merchant navy, the documents referred to in the said article shall be sent to the Minister responsible for the merchant navy. A copy of the agreement is filed with the Minister.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Old regulations - Decrees in the Council of State | Book VII: Provisions specific to certain professions | Title IV: Transport and telecommunications. | Chapter II: Sailors. | Section 4: Settlement of collective labour disputes | Paragraph 1: Conciliation. | Article R742-14 of the French Labour Code
For the application of article R. 523-14 to the merchant navy, the documents referred to in the said article shall be sent to the Minister responsible for the merchant navy. A copy of the agreement is filed with the Minister.
Pour l’application à la marine marchande de l’article R. 523-14, les pièces mentionnées audit article sont communiquées au ministre chargé de la marine marchande. La minute de l’accord est déposée dans ses services.
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