Candidates for the competition for access to the profession of commercial court clerk may be persons who meet the conditions mentioned in 1° to 6° of Article R. 742-1.
The competition is held once a year.
The number of places offered each year is set by order of the Minister of Justice, having regard to the number of people on the list of suitable candidates provided for in Article R. 742-16 or on the register of traineeships provided for in article R. 742-11 and forecasts of appointments for the next three years.
Each year, the board of the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce collects from the offices any information enabling it to draw up these forecasts, which it communicates to the Minister of Justice within twenty days of its request.
The organisational procedures and the programme of the written and oral tests for the competition are set by order of the Minister of Justice, after consulting the National Council of Commercial Court Clerks.
The list of persons admitted to the competition is drawn up by the Minister of Justice no later than one month before the date of the first test.
No one may take the competition after three unsuccessful attempts.