The legislative or regulatory provisions relating to the swearing in and the lodging of the signature and initials of natural persons appointed to the office of clerk of the commercial court shall apply to the members of a company holding the office of clerk of the commercial court practising within the company and to the associated clerks of the commercial court.
The company may not take up office until all its members practising within it have taken the oath. The latter only have the right to perform the acts of the profession from the day on which they have taken the oath.
A partner who previously held an office of commercial court clerk and who has contributed his right of presentation to the company does not have to renew his oath.
Any partner who, exercising his functions within the company, has not taken the oath within one month of the publication of the order provided for in Article R. 743-31 may, except in cases of force majeure, be stripped of his status as a partner by order of the Minister of Justice, and his capital securities or shares shall be transferred under the conditions set out in Articles R. 743-102 and R. 743-128.