The administrative authority competent to place a foreign national seeking asylum under house arrest pursuant to article L. 752-1 is the département prefect and, in Paris, the police prefect.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum | Regulatory part | Book VII: ENFORCEMENT OF REMOVAL DECISIONS | Title V: MEASURES APPLICABLE IN THE EVENT OF AN ASYLUM APPLICATION | Chapter II: MEASURES APPLICABLE FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF A DECISION REQUIRING THE LEAVING OF FRENCH TERRITORY BY AN ASYLUM SEEKER WHOSE RIGHT TO MAINTAINMENT HAS ENDED | Section 1: House arrest | Article R752-1 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum
The administrative authority competent to place a foreign national seeking asylum under house arrest pursuant to article L. 752-1 is the département prefect and, in Paris, the police prefect.
L’autorité administrative compétente pour assigner à résidence un étranger demandeur d’asile en application de l’article L. 752-1 est le préfet de département et, à Paris, le préfet de police.
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