A foreign national placed in administrative detention pursuant to article L. 752-2 may, independently of the examination of their state of vulnerability by the administrative authority when they are placed in detention, be subject, at their request, to an assessment of their state of vulnerability by the French Office for Immigration and Integration under the agreement provided for in article R. 744-19 and, if necessary, by a doctor from the administrative detention centre’s medical unit.
After this assessment, the officer from the Office and the doctor in charge of the assessment may formulate opinions on the possible need to adapt the detention conditions of the foreign national mentioned in the first paragraph or on his or her continued detention if this is incompatible with his or her state of vulnerability.
The person in charge of the detention centre or his/her representative shall, where appropriate, determine the specific conditions of continued detention taking into account the vulnerable situation of the person and, in the event that continued detention is incompatible with this situation, shall notify the competent administrative authority.
Where appropriate, the doctor may also formulate an opinion on the need for medical care during transfer to the Member State responsible for examining the asylum application.