Subject to the provisions of the other sections of this chapter, labour inspection duties are carried out by labour inspectors and supervisors placed under the authority of the Minister responsible for labour.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Eight: Monitoring the application of employment legislation | Book I: Labour inspection | Title I: Skills and resources | Chapter I: Division of responsibilities between ministerial departments | Section 1: Labour inspection in industry, commerce and services, the agricultural professions and the transport sector. | Article R8111-1 of the French Labour Code
Subject to the provisions of the other sections of this chapter, labour inspection duties are carried out by labour inspectors and supervisors placed under the authority of the Minister responsible for labour.
Sous réserve des dispositions des autres sections du présent chapitre, les missions d’inspection du travail sont exercées par les inspecteurs et contrôleurs du travail placés sous l’autorité du ministre chargé du travail.
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