The document given to the foreign employee not authorised to work includes the following information:
1° In all cases :
a) Entitlement to the wages and allowances mentioned in 1° and 2° of article L. 8252-2 ;
b) The employer’s obligation to provide pay slips, a certificate of employment and a balance sheet corresponding to the period of employment in the company;
c) The possibility, if the employee is in one of the situations referred to in the last sentence of the first paragraph of article L. 8252-4, of obtaining recovery of wages and allowances from the French Office for Immigration and Integration;
d) The possibility, where applicable, of bringing an action before the competent industrial tribunal to obtain payment of wages and allowances, for the part not recovered by the Office français de l’immigration et de l’intégration, in particular through a representative trade union organisation, in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 8255-1 ;
e) The possibility of also bringing an action before the competent industrial tribunal in order to claim damages and interest if he/she is able to establish the existence of a loss not compensated under the provisions of Article L. 8252-2 ;
f) The possibility of lodging a complaint against a person whom they accuse of having committed the offences referred to in Articles 225-4-1 to 225-4-6 and 225-5 to 225-10 of the Criminal Code against them, and to be able to benefit from a temporary residence permit for this purpose during the proceedings, under the article L. 425-1 du code de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d’asile ;
2° En outre, l’indication de l’indemnité forfaitaire mentionnée au 2° de l’article L. 8252-2 or that provided for in Article L. 8223-1, in the event of employment under the conditions defined in Articles L. 8221-3 and L. 8221-5.
The document is translated into the most commonly used languages designated by the Minister for Immigration.