The professional identification card is a secure individual card intended for any employee carrying out one or more of the building or public works jobs listed in the first paragraph of article R. 8291-1. The card is the property of the union of funds mentioned in article R. 8291-2. It bears the logos of the “Marianne” and the union des caisses. It contains the following information
1° The identity of the employee: surname, first names, gender ;
2° The date of issue and the card management number;
3° A code enabling the validity of the card, as defined in article R. 8292-3, to be verified and enabling the agents mentioned in article L. 8271-1-2 to access the database of the automated processing of personal information mentioned in article R. 8295-1. For employees of the companies mentioned in the second paragraph of Article R. 8291-1, the code also makes it possible to check the existence of a current assignment;
4° The contact details of the union des caisses mentioned in the first paragraph.
It includes an identity photograph of the employee that complies with the standards set out in article 6-1 of decree no. 2005-1726 of 30 December 2005, as amended, relating to passports.