In article R. 713-66 :
a) The first paragraph of I reads as follows:
“At the time of each general renewal, the Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon Chamber of Agriculture, Commerce, Industry, Trades and Crafts shall, in accordance with the criteria laid down in Articles L. 713-11, L. 713-12 and L. 713-13 an economic weighting study. “;
b) The second paragraph of I is worded as follows:
“This study determines the economic importance of the colleges provided for in Article L. 917-1-1. “;
c) In II, the words: “by category, by sub-category and by territorial chamber of commerce and industry constituency” are replaced by the words: “by college”;
d) In 1° of II, the words: “of the territorial chamber” are deleted;
e) 2° of II does not apply;
f) In III, the words: “of the territorial chamber each professional category and, where applicable, each sub-category” are replaced by the words: “of the Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon Chamber of Agriculture, Commerce, Industry, Trades and Crafts each college”;
g) The following paragraph is added:
“The number of members of each college is even. “