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Book VII: Provisions specific to certain professions

Article D744-1 of the French Labour Code

For the purposes of this chapter, the following are considered to be port establishments: autonomous ports and public establishments or public authorities holding concessions for public tools in commercial and fishing ports. Articles L. 212-5-1 and D. 212-5 to D. 212-12 of the Labour Code are applicable to the staff of these establishments, subject to the following provisions.

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Article D744-2 of the French Labour Code

In ports where, as a result of operational requirements, working hours have been adjusted to include rest credit systems, hours worked in excess of the weekly working hours defined in article L. 212-5-1 of the French Labour Code only give entitlement to the compensatory rest instituted by the said article insofar as they are not compensated for by local rest credit systems of at least equal duration within the calendar…

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