Article L145-56 of the French Commercial code
The rules of jurisdiction and procedure for disputes relating to the lease are laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Commercial code | Legislative part | BOOK I: Commerce in general. | TITLE IV: The business. | Chapter V: Commercial leases. | Section 9: Procedure.
The rules of jurisdiction and procedure for disputes relating to the lease are laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
For the duration of the proceedings relating to the fixing of the price of the revised or renewed lease, the tenant is obliged to continue to pay the rent due at the old price or, where applicable, at the price which may, in any event, be provisionally fixed by the court seised, unless an account is to be made between the lessor and the lessee, after the final fixing of…
The owner may, until the expiry of a period of fifteen days from the date on which the decision has become final, avoid payment of the compensation, on condition that he bears the costs of the proceedings and agrees to the renewal of the lease, the conditions of which, in the event of disagreement, are set in accordance with the regulatory provisions adopted for this purpose. This right may only…
The landlord’s decision to refuse to renew the lease, pursuant to the last paragraph of article L. 145-57, or to evade payment of the indemnity, under the conditions set out in the last paragraph of article L. 145-58, is irrevocable.
All actions brought under this chapter shall be barred after two years.
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