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Article L625-1 of the French Commercial code

After verification, the mandataire judiciaire shall draw up, within the time limits set out in Article L. 143-11-7 of the Labour Code, statements of claims arising from a contract of employment, with the debtor heard or duly summoned. Statements of claims shall be submitted to the employees’ representative under the conditions provided for in Article L. 625-2. They are endorsed by the juge-commissaire, filed with the court registry and publicised…

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Article L625-2 of the French Commercial code

Statements of claims arising from employment contracts are submitted for verification by the judicial representative to the employees’ representative mentioned in Article L. 621-4. The mandataire judiciaire must provide the representative with all relevant documents and information. In the event of difficulties, the employees’ representative may contact the administrator and, if necessary, refer the matter to the official receiver. He is bound by the obligation of discretion referred to in…

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Article L625-3 of the French Commercial code

Lawsuits pending before the industrial tribunal on the date of the opening judgment are continued in the presence of the mandataire judiciaire and the administrator where he has a mission to assist or they are duly summoned. The judicial representative shall inform the court seised and the employees party to the proceedings of the opening of the proceedings within ten days.

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Article L625-4 of the French Commercial code

When the institutions mentioned in article L. 143-11-4 du code du travail refuse for any reason whatsoever to settle a claim appearing on a statement of claims arising from an employment contract, they shall make their refusal known to the mandataire judiciaire who shall immediately inform the employees’ representative and the employee concerned. The latter may refer the dispute to the industrial tribunal. The court-appointed agent, the debtor and the…

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Article L625-6 of the French Commercial code

Statements of claims arising from an employment contract, approved by the official receiver, as well as decisions rendered by the industrial tribunal, are entered on the statement of claims filed at the court registry. Any interested party, with the exception of those referred to in articles L. 625-1, L. 625-3 and L. 625-4, may lodge a claim or a third party objection under the conditions laid down by decree in…

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