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Article R712-2 of the French Commercial code

1° The State’s administrative and financial supervision of CCI France is exercised by the minister responsible for the supervision of chambers of commerce and industry; 2° The supervision of regional chambers of commerce and industry and territorial chambers of commerce and industry is exercised by the regional prefect, assisted by the regional director of public finance. Where the territorial jurisdiction of the regional chamber of commerce and industry exceeds the…

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Article R712-3 of the French Commercial code

The supervisory authority has access by right to all meetings of the general assemblies of the establishments of the network of chambers of commerce and industry and of the executive committee of CCI France. It may be represented. The same applies to meetings of the provisional commission provided for in Article L. 712-9. These institutions inform the supervisory authority of meetings of their general assemblies and governing board under the…

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Article R712-4-1 of the French Commercial code

In the event of serious misconduct by the director of a network institution, going beyond simple service misconduct, the supervisory authority may ask the president of the institution to take the necessary disciplinary measures. If, at the end of this procedure, the president of the regional chamber, on the proposal of the president of the territorial chamber where applicable, decides not to impose a disciplinary sanction, he must set out…

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Article R712-5 of the French Commercial code

I.-The decision to suspend or dissolve the bureau alone or the general meeting and the bureau of a public establishment of the network provided for by article L. 712-9 is taken by order of the supervisory authority specifying the reasons for the decision. In the event of suspension or dissolution of the executive committee, the order shall determine the procedures for the conduct of current business and shall set, where…

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Article R712-6 of the French Commercial code

The internal regulations of the network’s establishments are enforceable once they have been approved by the supervisory authority. Refusal to approve certain provisions of the internal regulations does not prevent the other provisions of these regulations from coming into force.

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Article R712-6-1 of the French Commercial code

Collective agreements and conventions subject to approval in accordance with the first paragraph of 6° of Article L. 711-16 are transmitted to the supervisory minister of the chambers of commerce and industry, as soon as they are signed, by CCI France. Approval is tacitly acquired on expiry of a period of one month from the date of receipt of these texts by the supervisory minister, in the absence of an…

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Article R712-7 of the French Commercial code

The deliberations relating to the acts mentioned below are enforceable as soon as they have been approved by the supervisory authority: 1° The initial budget, amending budgets and the implemented budget, under the conditions provided for in Article R. 712-16 ; 2° The use of loans, property leasing and bond issues, under the conditions provided for in Section 3; 3° The granting of guarantees to third parties, under the conditions…

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Article R* 712-8 of the French Commercial code

The decisions mentioned in articles R. 712-6 and R. 712-7 are tacitly approved by the supervisory authority on expiry of a period of two months from the date of receipt by the supervisory authority of the resolution adopting them and the corresponding documents, in the absence of express approval or opposition notified to the establishment within this period. Rejection decisions shall state the reasons on which they are based. When…

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Article R712-8-1 of the French Commercial code

The chamber that has granted aid to an undertaking is required to recover it without delay if a decision of the European Commission or a judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Communities requires it to do so, either provisionally or definitively. Failing this, after a formal notice has remained without effect for a period of one month from the date of notification, the Prefect will automatically proceed…

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