Article L4152-1 of the French Public Health Code
The Conseil national de l’ordre des sages-femmes is made up of five midwives elected by the departmental councils, which are grouped into five sectors by order of the Minister for Health.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public Health Code | Legislative part | Part four: Health professions | Book I: Medical professions | Title V: The profession of midwife | Chapter II: Organisational rules.
The Conseil national de l’ordre des sages-femmes is made up of five midwives elected by the departmental councils, which are grouped into five sectors by order of the Minister for Health.
Three representatives of the ministers responsible for higher education, health and social security sit on the National Council in an advisory capacity.
The national disciplinary chamber comprises four full members and four alternate members elected in equal numbers by the national council from among the members of the national council on the one hand, and from among the members and former members of the councils of the ordre on the other. The Chamber sits in panels of at least three members.
The territorial jurisdiction of the disciplinary chambers of first instance is identical to that of the sectors mentioned in article L. 4152-1. The disciplinary chamber of first instance is composed of a number of midwives determined by regulation on the basis of the number of midwives registered in the most recently published registers in the inter-region. The chamber shall comprise members elected, in equal numbers, from among the members of…
In each department, there is a departmental council made up of a number of members determined by regulation on the basis of the number of midwives registered on the most recently published register.
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