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Article L4321-18 of the French Public Health Code

In each département, the Conseil départemental or interdépartemental de l’ordre exercises, under the supervision of the Conseil national, the general powers of the ordre, as listed in article L. 4321-14. It decides on entries on the roll. It authorises the President of the Association to institute legal proceedings, to accept all donations and legacies to the Association, to settle or compromise, to agree to all disposals or mortgages and to…

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Article L4321-18-1 of the French Public Health Code

Subject to the provisions of article L. 4124-6 of this Code and articles L. 145-5-2 and L. 145-5-3 of the Social Security Code, only practitioners of French nationality or nationals of one of the Member States of the European Union or of another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area who are registered with the Association are eligible for election.

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Article L4321-18-2 of the French Public Health Code

If, after his election, it transpires that an elected member of a Council of the Bar, a Disciplinary Chamber or a Social Insurance Section has, before or after his election, been subject to one of the sanctions referred to in 3° and 4° of article L. 4124-6 of this Code and in article L. 145-5-2 of the Social Security Code, he is automatically declared to have resigned. This resignation is…

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Article L4321-18-3 of the French Public Health Code

If a member ceases to hold office for any reason whatsoever, he is immediately replaced by a substitute. If there is no substitute, a supplementary election is held to fill the vacant seat as from the date on which the vacancy is established. In this case, the term of office of the member thus elected shall be that remaining until the date on which the term of office of the…

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Article L4321-18-4 of the French Public Health Code

The members of the councils of the order of masseur-physiotherapists are elected in a single-round majority binominal ballot. Each pair is made up of candidates of different genders. If the Council of the Order has an uneven number of members, the member of the last elected pair drawn by lot is considered to be elected. Elected substitutes are of the same sex as the member they are to replace. A…

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Article L4321-18-5 of the French Public Health Code

Councils are elected by a majority of the members present or having voted by post or electronically. A decree in the Conseil d’Etat will determine the composition of the various councils and disciplinary chambers of the Order of masseur-physiotherapists, the duration and frequency of renewal of the terms of office of their members, their operating rules and the principles governing elections to these bodies. The procedures for elections by electronic…

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Article L4321-19 of the French Public Health Code

The provisions of articles L. 4112-3 to L. 4112-6, L. 4113-5, L. 4113-9 to L. 4113-14, L. 4122-1-1, L. 4122-1-2, L. 4122-2-1, L. 4122-2-2, L. 4122-3, L. 4123-2, L. 4123-10, L. 4124-1 to L. 4124-3 L. 4124-5, L. 4124-6, L. 4124-6-1, II to V of Article L. 4124-7, Articles L. 4124-8, L. 4125-1 to L. 4125-3-1, L. 4125-4, L. 4125-5, L. 4125-7 and L. 4125-8, L. 4126-1 to L. 4126-6…

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