Article L4343-1 of the French Public Health Code
The provisions of article L. 4113-5 are applicable to the professions of speech therapist and orthoptist.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public Health Code | Legislative part | Part four: Health professions | Book III: Medical auxiliaries, nursing auxiliaries, childcare auxiliaries, ambulance drivers, dental assistants and medical regulation assistants | Title IV: Professions of speech therapist and orthoptist | Chapter III: Common provisions.
The provisions of article L. 4113-5 are applicable to the professions of speech therapist and orthoptist.
Speech and language therapists and speech and language therapists registered on the departmental lists or performing a professional act in France, as provided for in articles L. 4341-1 and L. 4342-1 respectively, are required to comply with the professional rules laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
The Director General of the Regional Health Agency shall refuse registration if the applicant does not meet the legal conditions required for practising the professions of speech and language therapist or speech and language therapist, or if he is temporarily or permanently banned from practising the profession in France or abroad, or suspended under the conditions set out in article L. 4311-26. However, if the applicant is banned from practising…
If it appears that the applicant suffers from an infirmity or is in a pathological condition that makes it dangerous to practise his profession, the Director General of the regional health agency shall refuse to include the applicant on the list.
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