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Article L5421-10 of the French Public Health Code

For the criminal offences referred to in this Title, natural persons are also liable to the following additional penalties: 1° Display or dissemination of the decision handed down, under the conditions and subject to the penalties provided for in article 131-35 of the Criminal Code ; 2° Temporary or permanent disqualification from exercising one or more professions governed by this Code, a commercial or industrial profession, from directing, administering, managing…

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Article L5421-11 of the French Public Health Code

Legal entities declared criminally liable, under the conditions set out inarticle 121-2 of the French Criminal Code, for the offences set out in this Title shall incur, in addition to the fine set out in article 131-38 of the same Code, the penalties set out in 2° to 9° of article 131-39 of the said Code.

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