Article L4132-2 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
When a regional councillor tenders his resignation, he sends it to the president of the regional council, who immediately notifies the representative of the State in the region.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART FOUR: THE REGION | BOOK I: ORGANISATION OF THE REGION | TITLE III: REGIONAL BODIES | CHAPTER II: The Regional Council | Section 2: Resignation and dissolution.
When a regional councillor tenders his resignation, he sends it to the president of the regional council, who immediately notifies the representative of the State in the region.
Any member of a regional council who, without a valid excuse, has refused to carry out one of the duties devolved upon him by the laws shall be declared to have resigned by the Council of State. The refusal results either from an express declaration addressed to those entitled or made public by its author, or from persistent abstention after warning from the authority responsible for convening. The member thus…
Where the operation of a regional council proves impossible, the government may order its dissolution by a reasoned decree issued in the Council of Ministers; it shall inform Parliament of this as soon as possible. Dissolution may never be ordered by way of a general measure.
In the event of the dissolution of the Regional Council, the resignation of all its serving members or the definitive annulment of the election of all its members, the President is responsible for the conduct of current business. His decisions are enforceable only with the agreement of the representative of the State in the region. The Regional Council is re-elected within two months. The assembly meets as of right on…
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